Molecular Testing
Hereditary Cancer Genetics(CGx)
A test that helps identify people at increased risk for cancer due to hereditary factors
Clinicians can assess personal cancer risk, review potential risk factors, provide recommendations about appropriate prevention
Who Should Be Screened?
A personal history of cancer at a young age
One to two first or second degree relatives diagnosed with cancer before the age of 50
Relatives diagnosed with ovarian cancer
Relatives diagnosed with male breast cancer
Pharmacogenetics (PGx)
Pharmacogenetics testing test that tells you how your genes affect your body’s response to medications
Specifically for pain, psychiatric disorders, and cardiovascular diseases
Individuals should be tested if they have ever had a lack of symptom relief and adverse, unpleasant or intolerable response to their current medication
Parkinsons / Alzheimers / Dementia (PAD)
​Genetic information will be help physicians making better treatment and management choices
Patients will have better understanding of the disorder by genetic and psychosocial counseling
Other potential benefits include research study enrollment and support programs for caregivers and patients
More than 50% increased risk seen in close relative of individuals with confirmed pathogenic mutations
Family screening can help in identifying genetic predisposition to start timely management